Week 3: #PilotWifeLife

On the heals of the last group date, Peter started this week with a one-on-one with Victoria P. Meanwhile, Hannah Ann and Kelsey continued to cry about champaign and bullying back at the mansion. Yes, they were STILL talking about it. Luckily they got most of this out of the way near the beginning of the episode (at least for this week).

Peter took Victoria on a date to the western store to pick out boots and a hat before heading to the country bar for some line dancing, which is apparently something Peter does regularly with his friends. Victoria did not disappoint, picking up the line dances with no trouble at all. I know it sounds kind of dorky, but this was actually a good date. It was really normal, they talked like two people starting to date and admitted that they were smitten with each other (right where they should be at this point).

Later, Victoria told Peter about her past. As a refresher for those who might not remember, Victoria's dad passed away when she was very young, her mother spiraled into addiction and she basically had to raise her younger sister. It was a good bonding moment for the couple and both thought maybe the "stars were aligning" for them. So, basically Victoria is a top 4 (maybe even top 2) contender. If you ask me.

For the group date, we got a fun visit from the Queen herself, Demi! She planned a surprise date that even Peter wasn't sure what was happening on. The women were given various forms of pajamas from lingerie - which one girl actually pronounced linger-ee (face palm), to a muumuu. They were limo'ed to a wrestling ring and had to pillow fight/wrestle each other for Peter's affection. Alaya won the contest and received a crown (fitting for her pageant winning past).

Okay, now let's talk about Alaya, because that's what the rest of this episode was about. Where the hell did she come from? Over the past couple weeks, she's been just kind of there. Nothing super exciting. Turns out she's kind of a b. And a little fake. She started off practicing her #pilotwifelife and then quickly unravelled. It all went sour when Sydney decided to give Peter a heads up that some of the girls act differently for the cameras than how they act off camera. Peter put Sydney on the spot in front of all the girls and asked her to name names. So she did. Super risky, but it worked out for her because she not only go the date rose but has also landed herself as a confidant for Peter. He trusts her judgement (good, she's not wrong).

The next day Chris Harrison popped by the mansion to let everyone know, IT'S POOL PARTY WEEK! Yes! I love the pool parties, so much drama, always!

Even though Peter believed Sydney about Alaya, he still wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. He likes her and he's upset and annoyed that he could be being fooled. Alaya did her best to mollify his doubts and felt pretty good about where they stood. But something was nagging at Peter. Trust your gut Peter, don't let her get her claws in you! So, he asked Victoria P.'s opinion. So far we know that he really trusts and relies on Victoria P. and Sydney (although I think in different ways... Sydney seems to be inching her way into a friend zone whereas Victoria is front runner material).

Turns out, Victoria knows Alaya (a little bit) from their pageant days. Before coming on the show Alaya asked Victoria not to say anything to the producers about them knowing each other. Victoria also relays the information that Alaya came into the show looking forward to "all the opportunities" it could afford her, "even if she didn't end up with Peter." She finished by letting Peter know that "maybe she's not the one for you".

Oof. Kind of a lot to unpack there. First, it's TOTALLY OK if Alaya came into the show looking forward to other opportunities. She had a one in like 30 chance of ending up with Peter. A lot of the women (and men) who go on the show are going there to have a cool experience, and maybe (hopefully) end up with someone. It's less OK if her intent going in was to make it far enough to be considered for The Bachelorette, because then her motives are tainted. But we don't know that that's true. That being said, I do get a gross vibe from her. She turns it on for the cameras and for Peter and she flat out said she knows how to get around questions she does't want to answer because of her pageant background. Which just seems manipulative.

I don't think she deserves to be targeted so harshly by the women. But watching the preview for next week, maybe I'll change my mind. Peter decided to let her go this week but we left with him being incredibly unsure about his decision and in the preview for next week, it looks like she comes back to either get some closure or to just come back. The girls do not take it well. So maybe her #pilotwifelife isn't just a pipe dream, but honestly even if she's back next week, I don't think she's "the one" in the end.

On that note, I'm not 100% sure about my top 4 yet... I'm thinking Madison, Victoria P. and Kelley are all solid but not sure who else at this point could be up there with them.

Gone this week were: Jasmine (yellow dress girl, I had to look up her name because I had no idea), Sara (too bad, I think we missed out on seeing some fun stuff with her. She reminds me a lot of Carly), Alexa (again, I forgot her name...all I could think of was vag waxer), and Alaya (but we'll see if that sticks).

Until next week... 


  1. I also got a eek vibe about Alaya. She sounds incredibly put on. I don't know how McKenna and Hannah Ann could stand her by the pool...which leads me to believe both of them are young and naive :( loove it! We need to watch together when it gets towards the end! :)

    1. Also, can we just talk about the fact that they alluded to Victoria F. Having dated Chase Rice?!?!?😳 Wouldn't surprise me though she is hot AF and I'm sure the producers knew


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