Week 5: All the Mean Girls

Oh you guys, this season. What the heck. Does anyone really like any of these girls? Right now I'm completely questioning my top four that I landed on as of last week. Okay, not all of them (I still like Madison and Victoria F.). But for real. I don't think I've ever watched a season where the girls were so bratty. If you want to know what I mean, watch the last 10 minutes from last night where the girls went totally crazy! But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Honestly, there wasn't anything super special about any of the dates last night so rather than do a full recap, I'm just going to highlight a few things.

#1 - Peter should have sent Kelly home. I know! I predicted her to be in the top 4 and after last night, I think she is 100% not into Peter. Their date was so awkward and she is really just trying to stick it out to get a good experience. She's not falling in love with Peter and I don't think she will by the end of the show so she should just go home already.

#2 - Peter is super easily influenced by the girls. It's really nice of him to take everything to heart and give people the benefit of the doubt by hearing both sides of a situation. But I'm surprised his head hasn't spun off his shoulders yet. There is a lot of "she said, she said" happening this season and he doesn't know who to believe ever.

#3 - OK, I'm over Victoria P. Maybe she'll have a comeback but right now it's really hard to remember why I liked her from the beginning. Not saying she isn't a nice girl and kind human. She has a great story and she seems like a genuine person. But somehow she keeps getting in the middle of everything. Plus, she was super annoyed with Peter last week for questioning her and now she's just like fine? Booo.

#4 - Victoria F., on the other hand, is really growing on me. She's weird but I like it and so does Peter.

#5 - Girls, let up on Kelsey! Okay, so I know I thought Kelsey was super annoying during the whole Champaigngate thing but since then she has been really beaten up on by the girls. She was understandably emotional after her one-on-one with Peter last week because she's starting to fall for him and he's still dating 12 other girls. They are all emotional, all the time. Why did it matter that she was sad for one day? But Tammy decided it was not OK, started talking shit about her to the girls and to Peter and when Kelsey defended herself to Peter and received a rose in return, the girls were not cool with it. It did not help that after his chat with Kelsey (privately at his place, she took the liberty of going there to figure things out - good for her), Peter not only sent her back to the house with rose (big target on her back and she felt super weird about it) but also canceled the cocktail party. So all the girls decided it was Kelsey's fault and lost their minds. Everyone was obviously exhausted and all the drama this season is wearing them all SO THIN (especially MyKenna). I mean, even Madison sat down during the rose ceremony because she was just over it.

I almost forgot, Peter sent Alaya home right at the beginning so that situation resolved pretty quickly. And, in conclusion, none of these girls should be The Bachelorette, I think they're going to have to find someone from a previous season because no thank you. 

Gone this week: SavannahDeandra, Kiarra, Lexi - dude Lexi turned into kind of a mean girl over the last couple weeks and she was SASSY last night.

My top 4: What the heck. I don't even know right now. Madison and Victoria F. ... maybe Hannah Anne? I can't even say right now. 

Guess what? We have ANOTHER night of Bachelor fun this week. An extra episode is on tomorrow night so two Bachelor blogs for you this week. Woot! 
