Week 6/7 - Why so?

So, I never wrote a blog about the second episode last week. The week got busy and I just didn't get around to it. I'll incorporate a few notes from that episode in this one but if you want more about Wednesday's episode I'd recommend this video and also the main thing to note is that Peter sent Sydney home - crazy town.

Okay on to this week. I named this post"Why so?" because Peter said it twice last night and it drove me crazy. Peter, it's "Why?" or "How so?" not "Why so?"

We are down to Peter's top 6 girls and I'm just going to take them each in turn.

Madison (now Maddie)

Madison got the first of three one-on-ones this week and it's abundantly clear that she is the front runner. Peter actually told her that he was falling in love with her. He has not said that to anyone else yet. So it was no surprise that the date went well. We're finally getting to know Madison a little better. She was able to open up to Peter about her conviction in her religion and how she really wants a husband who can lead their future family in faith. Peter was honest and said that he is Christian, he does have faith, but it could be stronger. Leading up to this, we heard Kelsey talking to Hannah Ann about how Madison really needed to make sure that Peter was as committed as she was to leading a strong Christian lifestyle because no matter how much you want something to work, if this type of thing is not aligned in your relationship, it's not going to work out. Smart thoughts. Weird that we heard this from Kelsey and not from Madison.

I will say, that we've seen a similar dynamic before with Sean and Catherine. Sean went into the show very religion, and Catherine was open to growing her faith but going in was not as strong as he was. Three kids and six years later, they are still going strong. So I'm not saying that this can't work out for Peter and Madison but they need to be willing to work at this because right now it does not seem like they are on the same page.

So obviously, Madison got a rose and Peter will be going to her hometown next week. The preview reveals that Madison is saving herself for marriage and that this will likely be cause for some drama in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!


Finally, Natasha got a one-on-one date. It is super late in the game to not have had one and should surprise no one that she did not get a rose at the end. Her connection with Peter wasn't strong enough for him to meet her family but they left things very friendly and I'm sure we'll see more of Natasha in the future! Bachelor in Paradise maybe??? I'd like to see her there!


I don't know why I'm still so surprised that Kelsey keeps getting one-on-one time with Peter. They probably have the strongest emotional connection after everything that has happened this season with various drama surrounding Kelsey. I know a lot of people don't like Kelsey. I don't really have anything against her. I think she had some annoying moments in the beginning but she seems mature and like she knows what she wants and she's able to communicate really well with Peter. They had a great date that was drama-free.

Kelsey did get a little emotional at dinner when she needed to tell Peter about what he could expect if he comes to Iowa to meet her family. She let him know that she is trying to have a relationship with her father but that at the moment her mom doesn't know (I assume she will have that conversation with her mom either next week or had it before this episode aired because otherwise... awkward!).

I'm both surprised and not surprised that Kelsey got a rose and is headed to hometowns. First, I'm surprised because I live in Des Moines and had no idea they came here and filmed a date! Not surprised because, like I mentioned, Kelsey and Peter have a weirdly strong relationship. Do I think she's the one in the end...not really. But I think depending on what happens with Victoria (ugg, Victoria), she could be top 2 ... we'll see. I've been super wrong this season about a lot of stuff.

Hannah Ann

Hannah Ann, Victoria and Kelly got the dreaded three-on-one date and it was as awkward as expected. I think Hannah Ann is really trying to open up, but her cute little note that she read with reasons why she was falling for Peter reminded me so much of high school. She's sweet but I don't think she's ready for this. However, it was enough for her to get the rose so we'll see her again next week. I think next week might be her last week though. Of the four remaining, she definitely has the weakest connection with him. I was surprised to see how excited the other women were to see her return over Kelly (more below on Kelly). It seems like these final four might actually like each other which is not the vibe I've been getting the rest of the season.


Okay, I have to start with last week for Victoria because she got the very first repeat one-on-one date and it went terribly. She is a "hot mess" to quote Kelly. She fluctuates between insecurity and confidence super fluidly. One minute she's OK and then she's questioning everything. Her date with Peter was mostly her crying and walking away from him. If she wants to have a real relationship, she has to push herself to communicate better because snapping at Peter and walking away isn't going to fly long term.

This week she was super annoyed to be on the three-on-one and just assumed that based on their previous date, she would be going home. She went into her time with Peter trying to mask her annoyance but when he pushed her she got even more frustrated and told him that he was always "in a mood" with her, which thankfully he pushed back on and explained that he needed to push her in order to move forward. Once she said that it was "easier for her to push him away" so that she doesn't get her heartbroken in the end, I knew she was safe. Peter likes to see this kind of "opening up" to see that she has actual feelings.

But he did the meanest thing by walking her ALL THE WAY TO THE CAR and making it seem like he was sending her home before he gave her the rose. WTF.


As soon as Kelly started talking about how it was obvious she was going to get a rose over Victoria and Hannah Ann, I knew she was going home. She is so weird in this situation and much to chill. If she was really that into Peter she would have tried harder and opened up more. It's obvious to me that she just wasn't that into him, even though she wanted to stay to see if things eventually turned around. She's a nice girl, nothing against her but not surprised at all that he sent her home.

So we're down to the final four and even though I feel like I don't know what the hell Peter is thinking this season, I'm happily surprised to see that 2 out of 4 of my top picks from a few weeks ago made it. So I'm not THAT far off, right?

Based on Peter alone, I think the top 2 in his mind are Madison and Victoria. But we'll see that his relationship with Madison will be tested because he's having sex with other girls. And it seems like Victoria continues to be dramatic. So, if Madison leaves because she can't deal with Peter having sex, or Victoria leaves because she just can't effing deal, then I think Kelsey could make it to the top 2.

Apparently, this season is "unspoilable" and from what I've heard the filming ended before he "picked a winner" so who knows what's going to happen in the next few weeks but you can bet I'll be watching! Lastly, I can't deal with that clip of Peter's mom. Let's just get that over with so we can figure out what she's talking about. Way to put the pressure on, mom! Geez.

Until next week!
