Week 8 - Hometown Disasters

Okay, so it might be overstating things to say that ALL the hometowns were disasters but there are red flags on all of them so let's be real, things aren't going great for Peter this season. Also, I'm incredibly distracted this week with work prepping for a couple large events next week so this post might be a little all over the place. It is what it is (at least that's what I'm trying to convince myself) 😉

Hannah Ann

This might be the most we've seen of Hannah Ann's personality all season. Her hometown date was really normal, for The Bachelor, and her family seemed really supportive. The pair went axe throwing (because Peter needs to be a manly man for Hannah's dad) and Peter wrote Hannah as similar note to what she wrote him last week. So obviously they are both still in high school, but at least they are on the same page. I guess. Hannah Ann admitted that she's falling in love with Peter and said he felt the same way (EVEN THOUGH HER DAD ASKED HIM NOT TO). No surprise, at the end of the episode Peter gave Hannah Ann the first rose, securing her place in the final 3.


No matter how boring the contestant, I still get excited to see my hometown when it's on national TV. I also don't know how after all the drama that has surrounded Kelsey this season, she still seems kind of boring to me. Kelsey met Peter at the Iowa Capital building (obviously just so they could get some somewhat scenic shots of Des Moines) and then they went to Summerset Winery and made their own wine (stopped the grapes and everything). It was a great date. No drama about Kelsey's dad came up (mildly disappointing, but that's good news for Kelsey in real life). Her family was really surprised she had made it as far as she had just because she's so guarded in general, but otherwise it was good. Kelsey told Peter she was in love with him and her mom gave him a strong warning not to break her daughters heart, which I think Peter took to heart because at the end of the day, Kelsey was sent packing.


Another great hometown from the surface. Madison took Peter the arena at Auburn and he met the coach. They did some drills and then he headed over to her house to meet the fam. It was exactly what was expected. Madison has a great family and they are super supportive of her but they had obvious concerns about whether she had fully disclosed the choices she had made for her life to Peter.  i.e. that she's saving herself for marriage. Completely understandable. I know that Madison probably didn't want this whole season to be about her virginity (as we've seen so many times in the past) but she really does need to talk to Peter about this before the fantasy suites. She didn't bring this up at all during their hometown so I was nervous but at the end of the episode as Peter was getting ready to leave she pulled him aside and we were left with a cliffhanger.


Ug. Why is she so terrible? Guys don't hate me but I kind of like her personality. You can see nuggets of hilarity every once in a while and outside of this situation she seems kind of cool. But for real. What the actual fuck is going on with their relationship. It started off good with a re-do on their country concert date. She DID NOT previously date Hunter Hayes so that went better. Until, one of Peter's exes, who was friends with Victoria for a while, caught up with him after and gave him a warning about her. This obviously got to Peter because he was just on cloud nine and came crashing back down to reality.

Peter tried to bring this up to Victoria before they went in to see her family because he felt he needed to address it and she shut down yet again. Which prompted Peter to actually call Victoria out on her behavior. I don't think he handled it 100% the best but it was really good to see that he sees what she's doing and is not OK with it, even if he is willing to give her chance after chance to do better. In the end, he did not meet her family. She came to his hotel room the next morning and they made no more progress figuring out what happened the night before. I'm really tired of her just saying she's "trying". Okay we get it, you're bad at this. BUT WHY?? Tell us why so we can relate to you better!

Peter wasn't ready to make a decision on her in that moment so she was at the rose ceremony and he's giving her ANOTHER chance. This has to be short lived right? She has to go home next week, right? I don't even know.

I've been all over the map this season. I think Peter keeps saying it's unspoilable because no one has any idea what the heck he is thinking? What does Peter even want in a wife? Obviously, someone who is 23 or younger, but other than that do these remaining girls have anything in common? I really thought based on last week that Hannah Ann would get the boot this week and then it was so obvious about 2 minutes into her hometown that she was safe!

At this point, it would make the most sense for Madison and Hannah Ann to be the final two but I don't even think there are a "final two" this season. Shit's going to hit the fan next week when Madison give's Peter an ultimatum that he can't keep. Thank goodness she's going to pull him aside before the overnights though because that would have been even more of a disaster if she waited to tell him that she's not cool with him sleeping with other women until AFTER he started the fantasy suites.

We could have another Colton-esc situation here where everything goes wrong during fantasy suites and they never get to film the ending. Whatever, this season is ridiculous. And yet, here I am still watching because I just can't help myself. C'est la vie.
