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Bachelor Peter - The Finale

Oh my gosh, you guys what a craptastic finale. So Monday night we got to see Madi and Hannah Ann meet Peter's parents. And Peter's mom is the absolute worst. Seriously, Barb, listen to your son and just stop. I know we're only seeing a reality TV version of her but people really liked her from when Peter was on Hannah B.'s season so I did not see this coming. Hannah Ann was first up to meet the family and they LOVED her. She let them know how in love she was with Peter and came off really well. So of course, they did. She's a little cutie. Then came the drama. Madi and Peter sat outside when she arrived to meet his family for what we later found out was 3 HOURS working things out. Finally, Madi came in to meet them and it did not go well. Barb was pretty pissed about having to wait (she seems like a super understanding woman... okay, not so much), and then they really put the pressure on Madi asking whether she really thought she and Peter's lifestyle

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